@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc1985 The assignment made me think of a fantasy movie so this picture fits it perfectly. pic.twitter.com/uNSomalaa4
— Devon Verville (@VervilleDevon) June 17, 2017
For this assignment we had to find a movie poster for a move with the plot of “A mermaid rebuilds the Brooklyn Bridge out of paradoxes.” I picked this picture because the movie makes me think that the movie would be some kind of fantasy adventure. This assignment was challenging at first because I did not have any pictures on hand that would fit this movie plot so I had to go to the web in order to find one. The picture is from belasbrightideas.com which is another site which also uses WordPress. I look forward to other assignments such as this one.
picture credit: https://belasbrightideas.wordpress.com/2012/07/19/sentries/