For this assignment we had to photoshop ourselves into a historical picture. In this picture I am seen standing next to John, Paul and George, replacing Ringo. The reason why I chose Ringo was because typically he’s the one that people pay the least attention to so no one would know he was gone. To make this picture I first had to make a cut out of myself from a picture of me. I did that using a website called After I found this picture of the Beatles and pasted myself onto the image. before I could do that though I had to make the picture of myself black and white, in order to match the black and white image. I did this also by using This assignment was a bit difficult for me because I am horrible with using photoshop and it is hard cut a picture of myself out using the mouse pad on my laptop, it is very sensitive. I really did enjoy the creativity of this assignment because the concept of placing yourself in a historical event in time is interesting to me. I love the Beatles so if was fun to almost make it look like I was part of the group, even though I have no musical ability what so ever.