The 2016/17 Premier League season has come to a close with many highs and lows throughout the year. Chelsea F.C. were crowned title winners in a stunning comeback from last season, and Hull City, Middlesborough and Sunderland have found themselves relegated to the second division after a long fight to keep their season alive. Although those three teams finished bottom this season one team had an even more shocking season, Arsenal.
Arsenal F.C. is renowned for bottling their chances of winning the title each year but never have they played so poorly that they finished out of the top four like this season. Due to their lack luster performance many fans are pointing to one man, and one French man at that, Arsene Wenger. Arsene Wenger, head manager of Arsenal F.C. has been ridiculed game after game this season over really nothing other than players not playing well and not earning the £100,000 a week contracts they all hold. Fans seem to forget that the manager of a football club isn’t the one actually playing the game. They have gone to great lengths to make it known that they do not want Wenger to continue as manager and have even chanted Wenger out during matches. Despite this, Arsene Wenger has just signed a new contract with the club and will be manager for another two years.
I myself have been an Arsenal fan ever since I started watching professional football. Arsene Wenger has always been the the manager of the club since he started managing in 1996, which was the year I was born. People are forgetting that this is the man who has brought the club through a generation of greatness with the likes of Thierry Henry, Robert Pires, Patrick Veiera and many other legends of the game. This is the same man who has won 3 Premier League Titles, 7 FA Cups and 6 FA Community Shields.
I think that the fans of Arsenal F.C. are doing a great disservice to both the club and their manager when really it is the players who should just be playing better. Alexis Sanchez has played out of his skin this season, however he is the only one. The rest of the team needs to take responsibility for their lack luster performances and step it up for next season. I do agree with the fans of Arsenal who say a new striker signing is in order because there as not been a new signing in three years. If all of these factors fall into place for Arsenal they could be definite title contenders for the 2017/18 season.